Electric vehicles are fast becoming extremely popular across the UK and according to Next Greencar“With several new electric models due to be launched during 2014, and the Plug-in Car Grant now guaranteed until 2017, the next few years promise to be exciting ones for electric cars.”
With this is mind, Nissan created the Leaf, which has succeeded in bringing the battery-powered vehicle into the mainstream. This vehicle boasts an updated Carwings system and BOSE Energy Efficient Series Sound System which Nissan themselves describe as ‘the technology of the future, for the most effortless drive today’.
Comfort is also an important aspect of the Nissan Leaf, which is why it contains an improved chassis that has been adapted by research and development for the European market to result in better handling and performance. Other added luxuries that can be expected from the Leaf are:
- Air conditioning
- Power steering
- 360° parking camera
The Mitsubishi Outlander is another hybrid vehicle that benefits from incredible fuel economy and ultra-low emissions. With an impressive 463 litres of cargo space and a powerful twin-motor four-wheel drive system, the Outlander is well equipped for life on the road. This vehicle is fully comparable with similar models and is fitted with an S-AWC system for added traction and has a towing capacity of 1500kg (the average weight of a medium caravan).
Both of these vehicles are now available to hire from Arnold Clark Car & Van Rental.