Christmas is almost upon us, and people are starting to get the preparations ready. We all know that the Christmas tree is the focal point of any living room during the festive period, so you always want to get it just right.
You’ve found the best tree, the right size and shape and you can’t wait to get it home and stick all of your decorations on it. But what’s the best way to take it there? Transporting a Christmas tree on a car can be a pretty daunting task, but don’t worry – we’ve got some top tips to help you along the way.
First thing’s first, attaching a Christmas tree to a car is much easier if you have a roof rack. If you’ve got a rack or cargo hooks, then just follow these simple instructions:
- Make sure you have selected a tree that will feasibly fit on top of your car – if you have a small car, it’s probably best not to go for the biggest tree there. (Just use a bit of common sense.) Also, if your tree is sticking out of your car in a dangerous fashion, you could be breaking the Highway Code, section 98.
- Make sure the tree is netted before leaving the place where you bought it, as this will make it much more manageable.
- Place some tarp or a blanket over the roof where the Christmas tree is going to go (you will scratch your car otherwise).
- Stick the tree on top of your car, stump end at the front– this will prevent wind damaging your tree.
- Wrap some bungee cords, or normal rope (bungee cords work much better) around the tree several times, and attach these to the roof rack securely. Attach the cords at opposite corners. Use several cords/ropes, rather than one long one, as this will hold the tree in place better.
- Give the tree a good tug just to make sure it is tied down securely enough. If it moves, just attach another cord until it’s stable.
- Take care while driving away, as there will be more weight on your car than you are used to, and driving in winter can be difficult as it is.
It isn’t advised to attach a tree to the top of your car without a roof rack. If you don’t have one, why not ask a friend or family member who does to come along with you? However, if you absolutely must attach your Christmas tree to your car with no roof rack, you would just repeat the process above, but wrap the cords around the tree, and through the car windows instead of the rack.